There’s No Perfect Time

Today I wanted to share something that happened to me. It wasn’t anything blatantly earth-shattering or in-your-face. In fact, it was merely a series of thoughts that ran through my mind.

Thoughts that occur every day but today I caught them “red-handed” in the act. See if you can relate my friend.

You see, like you, I have a “to-do” list a mile long (doesn’t everybody). From the daily odds and ends like doing laundry, running to the grocery store, working with clients, planning for a podcast, and even writing this blog. As they say, “so much to do…so little time.”

What made today different for me was that as I was mentally running through my list, there were items that I thought “I’ll do those on the 1st of the New Year – that’ll be the perfect time.”

Whoa!!!! Pump the brakes! The perfect time? Really? Have I simply programmed myself to wait (or procrastinate) until the “perfect” time comes? If I answer truthfully, the answer is yes.

I’m sure you’ve heard it time and time again…there is no “perfect” time. It doesn’t exist and will never come. Those things continue to get pushed, and ultimately, they don’t happen.

For some reason, today, I identified myself in the pattern and quickly broke it. I acknowledged that there is no “perfect” time and that I was only rationalizing my state of inaction.

So what did I do today that otherwise wouldn’t have gotten done?

Reconnecting to an old hobby

Keyboard keys

I broke out my old keyboard. I’ve been wanting to get back into playing for some time now. I dabbled a little bit growing up (I was never great and only took lessons for a couple of months). It was something however that I enjoyed and to be completely honest…I’ve had this keyboard for YEARS.

Why haven’t I been playing? Because the time was never right – at least that’s what I kept telling myself. I was going to wait and take some lessons…blah blah blah. What was that all about? You guessed it…an excuse.

So I fired it up today, dug out some old books/sheet music, and reintroduced myself to reading the music, finger placement, and some of the nuances of the keyboard itself. I set my timer for 30 mins to practice (side note…I’ve always hated practicing).

Just as I was starting to get into the groove…beep beep beep. Wow! That went fast, and I had a blast.

I want to reiterate that I’ve had this for YEARS and if I hadn’t made it a priority today it could have very well been another several years before I touched it. Yay for a change!


The word blog in speech bubbles

Next up in the “I’ll do that later” category – this blog. Total transparency here – I’m not much of a writer by default. While I LOVE connecting with clients and the community, writing doesn’t come naturally, and it takes extra effort.

On top of that, I tend to psych myself out beforehand contemplating the amount of effort that writing a blog will take. Ultimately it’s never as bad as I make it out to be in my head, but it’s something I need to work on continually. So historically I’ve pushed the task off.. waiting to have that “ah-ha” moment where I’ll sit down at the keyboard and channel my inner Shakespeare.

Can you relate to something that’s entirely within your skillset but that might take a bit more energy to execute than a natural talent you have?

Today I crossed it off the list – another success!

New Year New You?

Woman with thought bubbles and considering now or laterIf you’re still with me and reading, I appreciate your attention. Trust me, I promise that there’s a point to all of this.

When it comes to health and wellness, we tend to pick a date/time in the future to start the journey. What I mean is we tend to say, “I’ll start eating healthy on Monday”…”I’m going to start working out next month”. Now that we’re in November it’s prime time for folks to start daydreaming of launching their “journey to health” on New Years.

The question I pose to you is WHY? Why wait for Monday, next week, or next month? Why wait until January 1st?

What do those dates offer that’s magically different from right now?

As I’m sure you know, that’s a trick question…there’s nothing “magical” about any of those dates.


The power of “now” is that you can take the first step at this moment. Remember that it’s the small steps when taken consistently that lead to big changes.

Start button

In this moment you can:

  • Choose a healthier food option (hit me up for nutrition counseling if you’re not sure where to start)
  • March in place while you watch Netflix
  • Call a loved one just to say “hi”
  • Take a bubble bath to unwind
  • Write your thoughts down in a journal
  • Read a good book
  • Go for a walk outside
  • Meditate
  • Learn a new skill
  • Rekindle an old passion

The possibilities are endless. What I hope you take away are two things:

  1. The daily “stuff” will always be there – don’t let it rule your life
  2. There is NO perfect time – take advantage of this moment…be in the moment

What have you been putting off but now you’re going to commit to pursuing? There’s nothing too big or too small. Shoot me a message letting me know!

One last thing…if you need some more encouragement and/or tools, I encourage you to check out the book “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. It’s a simple yet effective tool to break the procrastination cycle in the moment. It’s available on Kindle, Audiobook and Hardcover

Additionally, if you decide to work with CK Health & Fitness as part of my health coaching program, we cover stuff like this and MUCH more. Message me if you have questions or are interested. 

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