Let's Connect

CK Health and Fitness Columbia, TN

Ready for change?

Let’s see if we’re a fit!

I want to make sure we’re a great fit for one another, so before you head down to the contact form, please make sure ALL of the following 4 traits apply to you. If there’s one or more that you don’t feel speaks to you, that’s ok! Just come back later if/when they DO apply.


Action Taker

Let’s face it, knowledge without action doesn’t get you very far. I can give you all the tools you need, but if you don’t use them, you be wasting your time and investment. Are you ready to break old patterns and habits that no longer serve you?


Continual Learner

One of my favorite approaches to life is that of a “beginner’s mind”. That simply means that we’re always open to learning. The science of nutrition, exercise, and wellness is always evolving. If you’re willing to explore (and implement) a sound approach, even if it’s new information to you then you have another checked box!


Willing to Invest

I’m going to be honest here, we all need to invest in our health and wellness in some form or other. In this case, you’ll be investing in a guide, coach and accountability partner. You’ll also receive the tools needed to help move you in the direction of your goal(s). The average cost is less than $10/day.



Who wants to work with someone who’s boring or if I’m being frank, a pain in the ass?!? There are going to be challenging moments so let’s enjoy the process.

Only fun peeps need apply. 🙂

I embody ALL of the characteristics above – let’s talk!

 **Note: Solicitors will NOT be responded to**

I’m looking forward to hearing from you, whether it’s an online nutrition consultation, online personal training or in-person personal training in Columbia, TN, I can’t wait to start working with you.


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